Meet Sistah Najeebah
Your Natural Hair Care Guru
After serving over 2 decades in the South Florida natural hair care market, Sistah Najeebah observed hair & skin care professionals using specialty brand salon products and techniques that left clients edgeless and balding. Today, Sistah Najeebah is sharing a collective 36 years of hair care knowledge, beginning with her first braid at age six till now. Her journey began at age 5, when she cut her hair off while experimenting with scissors. The next phase of hair care trials would lead to chemically treating her hair; first with a jherri curl to a relaxer. After years of not having enough hair to make a ponytail, she began the use of all-natural, chemically-free products and started experiencing the hair she always desired. Sistah Najeebah made it her mission to go on a journey of self-discovery and research to help thousands love and grow their own hair using chemical-free products and techniques passed down over the ages. These hair care rituals provide guaranteed results when routinely practiced along with natural eating habits and mindset.
With Sistah Najeebah’s Jamaican Maroon herbal life background and her 22-year vegan journey, she is ready to share her secrets with the world.
In-person & video conference consultations are available. Click here to schedule.
Potential consultation topics may include:
Best product choices for hair type
Hair treatment processes based on hair type
Hair treatments promoting hair restoration and growth
Transitioning process from chemical relaxers to natural hair care
Discuss daily habits & routines (i.e. diet, medications, etc.) effect on skin & hair
"Growing up with busy parents and tight schedules, very often, hair care wasn't a focus for many of us. It just wasn't a thing back in the day. Thankfully, things have changed. Long, beautiful, healthy hair is a thing. I can help you achieve it with my knowledge, wisdom, and overstanding.”
--Sistah Najeebah,
Your Natural Hair Guru